Hiroshi Okubo feat. Diff Rokka - Breathless

Hiroshi Okubo and Diff Rokka_v4_for web-site.jpg

I collaborated with Hiroshi Okubo on a new song for Diverse System's AD:HOUSE 9 compilation, released on August 23rd.

It was an honour for me to work with Hiroshi San since I've been a fan of his game music work for a long time. I first heard his music when I played Rage Racer back in around 1997. From that point, I became a huge fan of the Ridge Racer series, especially its soundtracks which Hiroshi San was a big part of. The Ridge Racer sound went on to inspire my own music. After moving to Japan in 2014, I got to know Hiroshi San and then a few months ago he invited me to work on a new song he was making for AD:HOUSE 9. The vocal style he was looking for was a little different to the style I usually sing in, but I wrote some lyrics and gave it a go.

It was a really fun song to work on and I'm very happy with how it turned out. It's a dream come true to have my vocals on a Hiroshi Okubo track!

A huge thank you to Hiroshi San for inviting me to work on the track. The song is out now on Disc 1 / Track 1 of AD:HOUSE 9. I hope you all enjoy listening to this different side to Diff Rokka!

More information on the release here

Full crossfade preview of the album here

大久保博さんとのコラボレーション作品Diverse SystemのAD:HOUSE 9 が8月23日発売されました。

長年、博さんがつくる音楽のファンだったので今回こうして一緒に一つの曲を作り上げることができ大変光栄でした。彼の音楽を初めて聞いたのは1997年頃のレイジレーサー。その頃からリッジレーサーシリーズの大ファンになり、特に博さんのサウンドトラックが気に入り好きになりました。リッジレーサーの音楽は、私の音楽史にも影響しました。その後2014年に来日し、博さんにお会いする機会がありました。そして今回AD:HOUSE 9へ博さんから声をかけていただきこうして夢が実現しました。


AD:HOUSE 9発売中!みなさんにDiff Rokkaのまた別の雰囲気を楽しんでもらえたら。

Joey Meuross