November 2020 Update


This year is going really fast! I can't believe it's already nearly December. Usually I go back to England around this time of year to celebrate Christmas and New Year with family, but unfortunately due to Corona, I'm not able to go this year. On the plus side though, staying in Japan over the holidays means I can continue working hard on Diff Rokka stuff. I've been busy recording some brand new material over the past weeks. There are some cool new Diff Rokka projects in the works but I can't talk about them just yet.

I'm still rehearsing and developing my live show. I've been making a lot of progress and should be ready to record an online live show for you all soon. This year it was my goal to get my live show to a point where I'd be ready to start performing for real from 2021. I think I'm going to meet that goal, so I'm happy about that.

The other night I watched the Summer Sonic YouTube stream of The Mad Capsule Markets' 2000 performance. It was great to see their performance of Midi Surf. I’d never seen that footage before. Around 2000 was when I started getting interested in MAD. OSC-DIS was the first album I owned by them, so I have good memories of that period. They continue to be a big influence on my sound and seeing live footage of them always motivates me to do my best with my own live show!

今年はあっという間!もう12月になるなんて信じられない。毎年クリスマスの時期はイギリスに戻るけど、今年はコロナのために帰りません。でもDiff Rokkaの作業に取り組めると、前向きに考えてます。そしてここ数週は、新曲作りに時間を割いています。まだ言えないけど、これがDiff Rokkaの新しいクールなプロジェクトになりそうです。


先日はサマソニYoutube配信を見ました!見たごとなかったThe Mad Capsule Marketsの2000のパフォーマンスが見られて楽しかった!2000年頃は、私がMADに興味を持ち始めた頃で、OSC-DISは私が初めて買ったアルバムです。なのでその時代は懐かしく特別です。彼らはいまだに私の音楽に影響を与え続けているので、彼らのライブを見るといつも私自身のライブをベストで尽くしたいとモチベーションをもらいます。

Joey Meuross